Short Rations
Friday 7th September, 2018
Austerity, Cartoons

Cover of the Pick of Punch for 1942 Title page of the Pick of Punch for 1942

Cartoon from the Pick of Punch for 1942. Two clothes moths are on a 
jacket hanging in a wardrobe. It has holes in. One moth says to the other 
'Careful, dear! This one's got to last us until August!

Here's another austerity cartoon, from the same Pick of Punch annual that I wrote about in "Austerity Patchwork". I put some references at the end there explaining the history of WWII clothing restrictions. I don't know the significance of August, but maybe it was the first month after publication that readers would have been allowed to obtain new coupons.


Two clothes moths are on a jacket hanging in a wardrobe. It has holes in. One moth is saying to the other 'Careful, dear! This one's got to last us until August!"