Primark and the Spectrum Suckers IV: Brown Needs Purple?
Monday 19th November, 2018
Colour analysis, Colour-scheme generators, Machine learning

Here's an interesting sidelight on human-designed colour palettes. I tried running my photo from "Primark and the Spectrum Suckers" through Colormind. The photo is predominantly brown, and every single palette Colormind made from it contained some kind of purple, not too different from the one on the left below.
Colour palette from Colormind for the photo of Primark 
used in 'Primark and the Spectrum Suckers'.

Colormind, I explained in my post about it, extracts the main colours from a photo, produces random variations on them, and then sends these for scrutiny by a gatekeeper: a machine-learning program trained on palettes that Jack Qiao, Colormind's author, thought were good looking. I wonder whether Jack didn't use enough palettes to teach it that brown doesn't always have to go with purple. Google colour palette brown and you'll see that there are other choices.